Friday, March 16, 2007

Back to the USA

3/12/2007 - 3/13/2007

Today was the last day of the trip and a huge travel day. We drove about an hour to the Brisbane airport to catch our 11:30 am flight back to Auckland. This flight was 2 hours and 45 minutes. Our next flight was about 13 or 14 hours to Los Angeles. While it was a long flight, everyone had personal video players, so we were able to have our choice from about 50 movies. Then I had a short layover in LA to say goodbye to everyone and catch my next flight to Dallas, which was followed my a final flight to Orlando that got in at 12:20 am March 13. It was a long, long day.

Well, my trip to New Zealand and Australia is done. I had a great time, and I thank you for reading my blog and hope you enjoyed it. Now I have to find a job for a couple months before my next adventure (if you have any ideas for a job, PLEASE let me know). This summer I'll be riding my bike across the country from Providence, RI, to Seattle, WA, with a non-profit organization called Bike & Build ( Bike & Build runs 6 cycling trips across the country to raise awareness and funds for the affordable housing cause. Each trip has 30 riders between 18 and 24 years in age. Basically we bike across the country, help to spread awareness about affordable housing in the places we stay at night, and also take a day off every one or two weeks to build houses at local affordable housing projects. I think it is a great opportunity. Check out the website if you're interested. I will keep another blog for that trip, and I'll post the address here when I set it up.

Again, thank you for reading my NZ and Australia blog!


1 comment:

Xixi said...

Aww...I am sad that you are done with your trip. I won't be able to read amy more of your exciting trip. I am glad that you had a good time though. Your biking trip also sounds pretty exciting. If you stop in Chicago, please let me know. I'd love to see you.
